Drug addiction – a slow poison

Drug addiction is a kind of slow poison killing the user gradually. There are wide ranges of people addicted to drugs and same numbers of people are standing helplessly when they decide to quit drug addiction. A teen with the habit of drug addiction was dying from severe physical conditions that includes liver damage, weaken heart yet he was in the hold of drugs. This indicates that he was emotionally dependent on drugs rather than physical dependence. This habit have made him to spend more than thousands.

At a certain stage of medical condition he understood that he had caught up with a problem. He tried to come out of drugs but his will power did not support him. At last with the help of medical professional he quitted the usage of drugs. Unfortunately in this modern world this teen has got the right support to get rid of drugs. On the other hand there are millions of teens and adult who do not get proper support and guidance for quitting the drugs. All of sudden one can’t stop using drugs. This might result in emotional disturbance.

Basically, quitting of drugs need a strong support from family, friends or by medical professionals. Support and will power together make the user to quit drugs and even to overcome withdrawal symptoms. Rehab program offers complete support to the needy people. Rehab program is designed in such a way that trained staffs offers different levels of counseling. This covers drug testing also. Initial drug test is performed and to know about the gradual drug reduction further drug testing are taken every week.

Clinical drug test, medical drug testing, professional drug test, saliva drug screening, oral drug screen these are the frequent drug test taken during treatment process. Drug addiction can be cured by rehab program.

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