Advantages of Using Multi-Panel Drug Test Kits at Workplace

Every employer should make sure that the workplace is free from those who abuse or depend on substances such as alcohol or illegal drugs. In order to prevent drug abuse among employees they can introduce an effective drug testing program using multi-panel drug test kits. This article emphasizes the usage and advantages of multi-panel drug test kits at workplace.
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Why are Teens Vulnerable to Illicit Drug Abuse?

Illicit drug use among teenagers is America’s no. 1 public health concern. People who initiate drug use at younger age are more likely to get addicted than those who use drugs later in their life. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), 90 percent of American addicts start smoking, drinking or using drugs before the age of 18 years. It also states that 25 percent of those people become addicts to some or the other drug.
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Benefits of Drug Testing Employees at Workplace

Drug or alcohol abuse is one of the major concerns for many of the employers in United States of America. According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health (NSDUH), among 56.6 million adult binge drinkers and 16.5 million heavy drinkers, around 74% were employed either part time or full time. When it comes to illicit drugs, of 20.2 million drug users aged 18 or older, 13.3 million (65.9%) were employed.
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Alcohol Breathalyzers – Simple Devices to Detect Blood Alcohol Levels

Alcohol breathalyzers are simple and easy to use tools that detect blood alcohol levels. They are intended for personal as well as professional use to control alcohol abuse.

What are breathalyzers and how they work?
Breathalyzers are simple devices to find an estimated measure of blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. However, they do not directly find the blood alcohol levels. They determine the alcohol concentration in breath sample and calculate the corresponding BAC levels from it. Various technologies such as fuel cell, infrared spectrophotometer and semiconductor technologies are used by breathalyzers. Continue reading

Drug Testing Kits – Effective Tools Used at Various Places to Identify Drug Abusers

Drug abuse, which is prevalent in both youngsters as well adults, is one of the major health concerns in the United States of America. The necessity to detect and confirm drug abusing habit in each and every individual at any given place has become important. Drug testing kits are considered as effective tools to find drug abusers across varied groups of people at various places. Drug testing kits are simple, reliable and easy to use tools which serve the above need perfectly.
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