Home :: Multi-Panel Drug Test Kits

Multi-Panel Drug Test Kits

Multi-panel drug test kits allow you to test for multiple drugs providing convenience, saving time and avoiding mistakes.

About our Multi-Panel Test Kits:

  • Easy to conduct at home or workplace
  • Just dip-and-read the results in 5 to 10 minutes
  • Set to the SAMSHA cut-off levels
  • FDA Cleared
  • High quality
  • Simple and convenient to test
  • Affordable prices

We offer test kits both as test strips and as integrated cups.

Test Strips: Test strips need a container or cup with the sample to dip the test for results. They are the most cost efficient way of doing multiple drug testing.

Test Cups: Test cups include everything required for the test optimized to make it easiest to complete the test comfortably and conveniently. For a small additional cost, it offers great convenience and makes it easier to test.

  • Discount prices on bulk purchases
  • Free shipping on orders more than $25


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5-Drug Test Card (COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI)

SKU: DOA-254

Popular for testing teenagers. This test card tests for combination of Cocaine, Amphetamine, Marijuana(THC), Methamphetamine, and Opiates. Commonly abused by teenagers.

1 2-3 4 or more
$118.75 / Box $115 / Box $112.50 / Box

Our price : $118.75
Market price: $146.60 save 19%
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.

6 Drug Test Card (COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI/OXY)

SKU: DOA-164-551

This test card tests for combination of Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana (THC), Opiates, and Oxycodone.

1 2-3   4 or more
$146.25 / Box $141.25 / Box   $136.25 / Box

Our price : $146.25
Market price: $174.00 save 16%
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.

6-Drug Test Card (COC/AMP/mAMP/THC/OPI/PCP)

SKU: DOA-164

his test card tests for combination of Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana (THC), Opiates, and Phencyclidine.

1 2-3 4 or more
$146.25 / Box $141.25 / Box $136.25 / Box

Our price : $146.25
Market price: $174.00 save 16%
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.

12-Drug Test Card (COC/ AMP/ mAMP/ THC / MTD/ MDMA/ OPI/ OXY/ PPX/ PCP/ BAR/ BZO)

SKU: DOA-1124-011T
This test card tests for combination of Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphemine, Marijuana(THC), Methadone, Opiates, Phencyclidine, Barbiturate, Benzodiazepine, Tricyclics, Propoxyphene and Oxycodone
Our price : $257.50
Market price: $315.00 save 18%
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.

Integrated 12 PANEL EZ II (mAMP/MDMATHC) + (BZO/MTD/BAR) + (AMP/MOP) + (OXY/PPX) + COC150 + BUP

SKU: DOA-1127-041-19

This is the New Integrated Cup with the Hinged Lid. The 12 Panel EZ II Cup (mAMP/MDMA/THC) + (BZO/MTD/BAR) + (AMP/MOP) + (OXY/PPX) + COC150 + BUP tests for combination of Cocaine150, Amphetamine (AMP) Methamphetamine, Marijuana (THC), Opiate (OPI), Phencyclidine (PCP), Barbiturate (BAR), Benzodiazepine (BZO), Methadone(MTD) Oxycodone (OXY); Buprenorphine (BUP) and Ecstasy drugs.

This is the New Integrated Cup with the Hinged Lid.

1 2-3 4 or more
$356.25 / Box $348.75 / Box $341.25 / Box

Our price : $356.25
Market price: $383.00 save 7%
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.
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