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Opiate 2000(OPI) Test Card
Opiate 2000(OPI) Test Card

Opiate 2000(OPI) Test Card

SKU: DOP-114
Our price: $46.25 Market price: $57.00
Quantity 2-3 Items 4+ Items
Price $43.75 $41.25
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.
Item Describtion

The OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip is a lateral flow chromatographic immuno assay for the detection of morphine in urine at a cut-off concentration of 2000 mg/mL.

1 2-3 4 or more
$46.25 / Box $43.75 / Box $41.25 / Box

What is Opiate?

  • Opiate is a narcotic drug which is derived from opium or poppy seeds and its derivatives. It is any drug that acts on the opioid receptor and controls pain by depressing the central nervous system.
  • In the medical field, some of its uses are- as pain killer,  sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesic, bromide, pacifiers etc.
  • Some of its are morphine, codeine (naturally occurring  products) and the semi-synthetic drugs such as heroine, fentanyl, etc.

Forms of OPIATE

  • CODINE- is a commonly prescribed analgesic taken orally generally in combination with aspirin. Since codine is effective as an antitussive agent, it is commonly used in cough suppressant.
  • FENTANYL- used as veterinary anesthic, nonlethal gas to sedate mob or mass of people.
  • HEROINE- popularly known as “the chasing dragon”, is ahard drug. It is highly addictive, taken intravenously, provides fastest and most intense rush. Heroine can cause severe addiction and physical dependence, therefore it is banned in many countries.

Long term use can cause mental clouding, mood swings, depression, respiratory problems, vomiting strokes etc..

  • TINTURE OF OPIUM- drug consists of an alcohol solution of opium. It is a very potent opioid  and was first synthesized during civil war.
  • MORPHINE- is a naturally occurring product, it is analgesic in nature, habit forming, a narcotic drug, produces numbness, redness and highly addictive. In medical field it is used as a strong pain killer. The name morphine is derived from the Greek god of dreams “Morphis”.
  • OPIUM- Derived from poppy seeds, highly addictive and habit forming.


Effects of OPIATE

  • CONSTIPATION- Many users experience initial bout of diarrhea followed by severe constipation.
  • Nausea, hangover, bout of sleep, sedation.
  • Impairs and slows down the metabolism and reduces the immunity.
  • Respiratory depression, thickness of bronchial secretion and catastrophic effects.
  •  Itching of the skin- Out of all the derivatives of opiate, codine is the itchiest drug for most of the consumers. Itching increases manifold and its ingredients come out on the pores and starts depositing on the skin.
  • LONG TERM USE can cause mental clouding, mood swings, respiratory problems, depression, stroke, seizures, ulcers, kidney failure, sudden death, etc.
  • PRENANCY- Use of opiate during pregnancy can result in neonatal abstinence syndrome in newborns, low birth weight, respiratory complications, etc.


  • Powdered codine is snorted, sniffed, concentrated solution is added to the centre of the chewing gum, the liquid is added to sugar cubes, alcohol, oral route.
  • If it is taken intravenously or injected, it leads to itchy skin or popped up skin.
  • Codine can be mixed with carbonated beverages, with warm brandy, mixing in soup or food or into tonic water, cough syrup, etc.
  • It can also be taken intravaginally or through the anus.


  • Like any other addiction, opiate if taken for long duration is highly addictive and habit forming, which can derail a persons social life, career plans, educational aspirations, psychological and physical health.
  • Early detection and treatment can prevent a lot of damage.
  • As a responsible parent or an employer, if one is suspected of using opiate, the doubt can be cleared by simply using the “ Opiate 2000 (OPI) Test Card”.
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