Specific Gravity Urine Test

Specific gravity urine test shows the degree of concentration of the urine.  It aids in the measurement of the kidney’s ability to concentrate and excrete urine.  The number, weight, and size of the solutes in urine determine the specific gravity, which is also known as the density of urine.  Under normal conditions the specific gravity of urine is inversely proportional to the volume of urine.  When it is very hot, the person that is sweating profusely and has not been taking enough fluids will have a very low urine output and if they have been taking more amounts of fluid and have not been perspiring then the urine output will be more and the specific gravity will be less.

This concept of specific gravity of the urine forms the foundation for specific gravity test in I cup drug testing and icup drug screen where the urine specific gravity will be low if the person has tried to flush out metabolites by drinking abnormal quantities of water.

Low specific gravity is that which is below 1.005 as the result of either renal disease or excessive fluid intake.  This can also be the case of having taken lot of diuretics or may be due to diabetes insipidus.  In cases of drug abuse testing, the MRO concludes dilution of the sample on the basis of other factors like pH apart from specific gravity; however, the difference in specific gravity will also be considered on the basis of the disease condition of the donor.  In most cases a variation in specific gravity is due to some kind of adulteration of the sample.

A high specific gravity of above 1.030 is usually caused by concentrated urine probably as a result of low fluid intake, loss of fluid through the body, dehydration and kidney disease.  Normally in most of the cases of dilution low specific gravity is seen except in some rare cases where the donor has tried out low quality detox products, when some kinds aldehydes, peroxidase, halogens, bleach  etcetera are present. Also, in some cases protein related disorders might be the case.

•    Specific gravity testing can be done on a random urine specimen.
•    The urine specimen be at room temperature when it is being tested at approximately 71 degree Fahrenheit.
•    In cases where the patient has fever it might be optimal to wait for the sample to come down to 71 degrees Fahrenheit.

In some cases artificial urine samples will be provided by the donor they might have tried to keep the pouch under the arm to have the temperature come up.  Anyways, all these can be detected using integrity test methods and finally we can come up with the result on whether the sample is legit.

Call toll free 1-888-237-3445 or write to info@drugalcoholtest.com for details regarding integrated cup testing methods.